
作詞 石川 頼母 作曲 喜美候部 千鶴子

朝日に映えて かがやく榛名 裾野はながく やさしい赤城 歴史にかおる 箕輪の古城
澄んだ空気に 小鳥もうたう はるかにつづく ゆたかな平野 みどりの風に 心もかるく
明るい空に わき立つ希望(のぞみ) 大きな夢に 心もはずむ 呼べば遠くに こだまがひびく
みんな仲よく はげましあって みんな元気に 教えをまもり みんな笑顔で 手をとりあって
われら箕郷の 東小学校 われら箕郷の 東小学校 われら箕郷の 東小学校

英訳 本校ALT

Reflecting the morning sun, Tall and with its base so wide, Rich and full with history,
the shining Mount Haruna the gentle Mount Akagi the old castle Minowa
With the air so fresh and clean, Continue on long and far, Surrounded by nature’s embrace,
even the birds will sing along and bountiful fields you will find our hearts feel peace and tranquility
In the vivid skies so vast, Working towards our dreams so big, If you call out far and wide,
hopes and dreams will sprout and grow our hearts jump up with joy an echo reverberates
Everyone gets along, Everyone’s so full of life, Everyone has a smile on their face while
encouraging each other on don’t forget what’s learned in class we stand with hand in hand
Our very own beloved school, Misato Higashi Our very own beloved school,Misato Higashi Our very own beloved school, Misato Higashi


