Looking at the inside out !!

高崎市中学校英語弁論大会 優勝 , 群馬県中学校英語弁論大会 準優勝 , 高円宮杯第62回全日本中学校英語弁論大会 出場


   Looking at the inside out !!             Haruna Junior High School  Maki Matsumoto

Why do we worry about the shape of vegetables? Is the shape of the food you eat important to you? For many people, it really is. At the supermarket, we often look at the shape, colour and size of vegetables before we put them in our basket. Supermarkets know this. That’s why they only want perfect looking vegetables in their shops.

Well, I don’t care if the vegetables I eat look perfect. My grandmother grows vegetables in her garden. She plants them in spring and they are ready to eat by summer. I’m always excited when my grandmother has the freshly picked tomatoes and cucumbers. It doesn’t matter to me, if a carrot is short and fat or a cucumber is slightly bent. But supermarkets will throw away anything that doesn’t fit their standards.

This made me think, does it really matter what something looks like on the outside? Isn’t it more important what’s on the inside? I considered how a question like this could apply to human society. Imagine when you see someone who looks very different. What are you thinking about that person? Are you curious? Do you have compassion? Or is it disgust?

I remembered a story about a woman who had a large birthmark on her face. Growing up, the woman had been teased. This made her feel sad. The woman would say `Why do people only see my skin and not my heart?

When I listened to her words it made me feel ashamed. It reminded me of an experience I had. Last year, my eyes swelled up and my face changed. At school, other students looked at me strangely. It didn’t feel good, but I knew that my eyes would soon recover. So I managed to endure it.

This is not the case for many people. Like the woman with the birthmark, there are some people who are disfigured. They must endure strange looks throughout their lives. Imagine, how would you feel if it was you?

What can we do to help these people? I think the most important thing is to not judge people by the way they look. Instead, we need to see people for their personality, character and moral-fibre.

Everyone deserves the right to live in peace. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful world if everyone could see the goodness in people’s hearts? We are all human beings living on the earth, and there is no difference between us. I hope the day will come soon that we will be able to understand each other from the bottom of our hearts. As John Lennon once famously sang “Imagine all the people living life in peace”.

  Looking at the inside out !!   和訳 

   外見でなく,内面を見よう !!              榛名中学校   齋藤 真季








 全ての人に,平和に暮らす権利が与えられているはずです。私たちそれぞれが,内面に持っている良さをしっかりと見極めて生活することができたら,そんなにすばらしいことはないですよね。私たちはみんな,地球に住む人間であり,何の違いもないのです。私は,本当に心の底から,お互いを理解し合える日が早く来ることを,願っています。 ジョン・レノンが,かつて名曲の中で私たちに訴えかけたように。“ 想像してみて。全ての人が平和に暮らしている世界を。”