
I can play baseball.

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I can not play the piano.


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What countory do you want to visit ?

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I want to visit France.

Why ?

I want to eat france bread.]


They were

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5th students

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went to Lake.Haruna.

They like

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reading book.

It is difficult for them

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to write small letters.

I want to visit this country.

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You can watch soccor games on TV.
You can eat paella.

Do you know this country ?


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They enjoyed

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You can run fast.

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play baseball.
play the piano.
do judo.

They enjoyed

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school life.

This is my dream day.

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I play videogames in the morning.

I go to the zoo.

I like white tiger.

Thank you.

What countory do you want to visit ?

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I want to visit America.

Why ?

You can eat hamburger.

3rd students

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went to Harada.

Rainy and

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later sunny.
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