
Children like

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outside 2

Children like

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This is Nishikori Kei.

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He is a tennis player.

He can play tennis well.

He is good at tennis.


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were running for five minutes.


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were taken pictures.

This is my pizza.

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I have corns tomatoes chickens and onions.

I want to go to Okinawa.

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I want to eat pineapple.
It is delicious.
I can buy Sisa.

They enjoyed

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break time.

I want to go to Kyouto.

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I want to eat japanese sweets.
I want to see Maiko.

They were

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looking for fireplugs.

What do you want to watch ?

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I want to watch Youkai gakuen.


It is fun.


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They were

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running a marathon.

They like

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School bulding

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will be painted.

Their favorite time are breaktime..

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dodge ball
iron bar

6th students

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were taken pictures.

Where do you want to go ?

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You can sea Mt Fuji.
You can eat grapes.

Yamanashi ?


What animal do you like ?

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I like dog and owl.
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